Check out our treat for you to the comparison of Loan Package between the bank, specially made for you. Call us now

Business Loan | Mortgage Loan

Loan Rejection Banker

Founder of MNS ALLIANCES CONSULTANCY SDN BHD (1307539-K) David Tang, who immersed in financing sector since 1993. Connected with experienced senior banker who specialised in loan rejection, SME Loan, Business loan, Mortgage loan, Islamic facilities, home loan, Home Refinance Loan. MNS Consultants are able to provide useful findings on Loan Rejection and Highlight your profile to fit the short-term and long-term needs.

MNS believes in Multidimensional approach & the implementation of Sagacity to Nurture potential businesses.

MNS articulate to become the great contributor of the clients, society, and economy.

To strive for the grant of financial loan support to any individual or corporation who have good deed and expectation to the country and the world.

For all businesses and industries to have a fair and competitive environment to engage with.

---To lead Malaysia’s businesses and Industries leader---


Help Us to Help You. Each bank fits a different person.

MNS Alliances:
Our Team have delivered 5,700 case results include: Loan Rejection, Business Loan, SME Loan, Mortgage Housing Loan And Refinance Home Loan over 26 years of expertise. There hasn’t been a complaint, are we doing this right?

You tell us!
Find out, be one of our satisfied & successful clients.We will put you on a confident Smile & Shine within weeks.

~Talk is free.~

Bank Loan Rejection

Bank Loan Rejection

SME Business Loan

SME Business Loan

Home and Mortgage Loan

Home and Mortgage Loan

Business Loan Financing

Business Loan Financing

Debt Consolidation Loan

Debt Consolidation Loan

 Home Loan Refinance

Home Loan Refinance

Solely the best

MNS has been offering reliable Loan Consultation to all Malaysian's since 1993.

Excellence Records

From Loan Rejection to SME Loan, Business Loan, Mortgage Loan, and Home loan.

Skyrocketed Result Processing

Skyrocketed Result Processing

The fastest record of loan approval was 3 days. 93% of the tough cases we received were quickly approved.

Endless Story and Achievements

Endless Story and Achievements

Accumulated 23 years of experience & Resolved over thousands of cases. The successful examples are still running their business pursuing a better cause.

Allegiance of Trusted Brand

Allegiance of Trusted Brand

The alliance of 26+ Malaysia local-based Foreign bank & Trusted Licensed Institution awaits our application.

Get Loan Advice at ZERO Cost

Help Us to Help You. Each bank fits a different person. We have an explanation on - What to expect from a Loan process. Share your contact to Get in touch.

Schedule an appointment now:

To the complimentary consultation that is professionally made, safe, and secure.

"Clients' Breakthrough"

Businesses want great changes & Turning Point. We are the one and only Seeker.